Spreading the magic of
Jim Bronner
The All-One Magic Foam Experience is a novel, ecological and exhilarating foam “shower” that covers you in foam and leaves you feeling refreshed and tingly-clean. Made simply from our organic soap, water, and compressed air, Dr. Bronner’s foam is safe and biodegradable.

We bring the Magic Foam Experience—usually accompanied by our Magic Fire Truck—to beach parties, mud-runs, summer music festivals, pride parades, and many other types of celebrations, but what we love most is bringing the joy of foam to children in our community—to disadvantaged youth at afterschool programs, to homeless shelters, to elementary and middle schools in San Diego County. We love to transform spaces and lives into temporary magical paradises covered in “SnoFoam.”
The Dr. Bronner’s Magic Foam Experience was created to honor the late Jim Bronner, son of Emanuel Bronner, who invented the industry-standard fire-fighting foam concentrate in the 1980s. He later modified his foam to make artificial snow for Hollywood sets, and he even created a home foaming unit for blasting snow-like foam in the backyard when his children were growing up.