Supporting Orange Sky in February and March
Every two months Dr. Bronner's chooses an organisation we align with to donate proceeds from the first 100 sales of our Deluxe Sample Packs. For February and March, we're supporting Orange Sky - a not-for-profit orgnisation providing free mobile laundry and shower services for people experiencing homelessness.
Orange Sky was founded by two 20-year-old Brisbane mates, Nic Marchesi and Lucas Patchett. In late 2014, the boys built the first laundry van, Sudsy, installing a couple of washing machines and dryers in the back on their old van. Nic, Lucas and Sudsy visited parks around Brisbane to wash and dry clothes for free. This is how they met Jordan - the first person to use Orange Sky’s service. Nic and Lucas chatted with him while they waited for his washing, and since then Orange Sky has helped people like Jordan all over Australia by washing and drying clothes, but more importantly, having genuine and non-judgmental conversations.

Orange Sky relies on support from the community to keep the wheels turning on their services across the country, so please visit to find out how you can further support them.
Click here to purchase a Deluxe Sample Pack to support Orange Sky.
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