Supporting Lamb Care in October and November
Every two months Dr. Bronner's chooses an organisation we align with to donate proceeds from the first 100 sales of our Deluxe Sample Packs. To coincide with ‘Be Kind to Animals Week’ from 1-7 Oct and 'World Vegan Day' on 1 Nov, we are proud to support Lamb Care Australia throughout October and November. Lamb Care is a small but mighty charity with big dreams to save as many lambs as they can.

After learning that millions of lambs die from starvation or illness in their first days of life, Karina and Robyn set out on their mission to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome as many orphaned, abandoned, sick, injured or unwanted lambs and sheep as possible. Using their own homes as lamb foster centres, they spent thousands of dollars of their own money and countless hours caring for these young lives. Since it was founded, Lamb Care has saved hundreds of lambs and now operates with the help of a dedicated team of over 50 volunteers.

To help support Lamb Care, please purchase a deluxe sample from the link below. To donate, purchase a gift or learn more about fostering, adopting and volunteering with Lamb Care, please visit You can even knit jumpers for the gorgeous little lambs!
Click here to purchase a Deluxe Sample Pack to support Lamb Care.

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